Friday, November 15, 2013

Grinding Her Teeth

Hanley has been grinding her teeth lately. It makes my skin crawl!!! Not to mention, she only has 4 teeth, front two on bottom and front 2 on top (that aren't even all the way out yet). So she's grinding her 4 teeth together. STOP IT!!!! I didn't know exactly what to do to try to make her stop so I looked it up and I read it's common for teething children because of the pain, which she certainly is. I also read her grinding her teeth shouldn't harm her teeth, which is what I was most concerned about. Does your little one ever grind their teeth??

She also got the 2nd half of her flu shot this week, such a big girl that she didn't even cry! I was a proud momma! Which reminds me I need to remember to go get my own flu shot. After being in this microbiology class, I'm shocked I even leave the house anymore. Everything is disgusting and infected!!

And now some pictures from the week...

This was a very serious and reckless little girl talking on the phone while driving her car. Uhm, naked of course!

 She was insistent on bringing her cell phone to bed on the right picture and by golly she napped with that phone in her hand the entire time!

We don't have any trees that lose their pretty leaves (thankfully) so Nonni and Papa had a nice big pile waiting for their girl when we went over to visit. She wasn't exactly a huge fan of them but at least I got a couple cute pictures. Also, her Papa is her most favorite person, I love watching them together.

 Patiently waiting her turn at the doctor office, telling the same 3 people in the waiting area "Hi" over and over and over. That necklace she is wearing was my mothers or my aunts when they were younger, my grandma thinks it's around 40 years old. She wore it all day long.

She finally discovered my jewelry box... She loves digging through and putting stuff on. This is mostly all old stuff that hasn't been worn in a long time. This is her go to spot when we play upstairs now.

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