Friday, June 10, 2016

Spring Pictures 2016

These photos actually turned out pretty well for as big of a task it was. Conrad was just very, very busy and into everything possible and barely stayed still long enough to snap some decent ones! Whewww

Thursday, June 9, 2016

1 YEAR OLD {Conrad}

Well the day came and went and zero tears were shed, so that's good! We had a party for his birthday but not til the weekend after his actual birthday. We were homebound on the day of Conrads actual birthday so we didn't get to do anything fun but the next day (which is coincidently MY birthday) we went to the zoo.

Around 21 pounds and just a peanut.
Size 4.5 shoe.
Size 9-12 month and 12 month clothing.
Size 3 diapers

Eyes and Teeth
Blue eyes and 6 teeth - he's always been a super drooly boy so unsure if any new teeth are on his horizon.

Very blonde, almost white. Longer in the back than on top.

Wakes for the day around 8:30am.
Naps around once a day, 12-1pm.
Bedtime around 8:30am.

I believe he has dropped his morning nap and moved to more of an afternoon nap. He technically still needs an evening nap because he gets fussy and whiney the later it gets but maybe I just need to adjust his bedtime because he can't get a second nap or he wouldn't go to bed at night.

He tends to only wake once at night to nurse (well, I still nurse him because I'm not ready for that fight, to be honest). He either usually wakes at 1 or 2 am and sleeps til morning or he sleeps until 5 or 6 am and then again til 8:30am.

Still nursing but we are down to only like 3-4 times a day. Starting to drink cows milk more and more. Loves mac&cheese, strawberries, and snacks. He is very picky about a lot of foods, he prefers "baby food/purees" over table food usually.

Starting to say "mama, fish, diaper, kitty, banana, night"
He's starting to fall asleep on his own if he's still awake when we are done nursing.
Starting to know where some of his body parts are, like his belly especially.
Brings me his shoes and sits down to try to put them on if we are leaving.
Sign language: more, please, all done, eat, milk, thank you.

Loves Hanley's motorized mermaid bath toy. He will carry it around the entire time we are upstairs.

He's picky with food.

Nothing has changed here, typically all the same as previous months.

49 weeks:
Went to Skymax for Toddler time.
Went to the doctor for mouth rash.
51 weeks:
Went to Great Wolf Lodge for his and my birthday.
52 weeks:
Akron Zoo