Wednesday, April 22, 2015

40 Weeks {baby #2}

How Far Along: 40 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26 lbs
Maternity Clothes: nothing but!
Best Moment This Week: making it to 40 weeks, I suppose lol
Movement This Week: oh yea but you can definitely tell his sleep cycles are longer
Food Cravings: still none - none this whole pregnancy, its kinda strange...
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick: nope, feeling good - thankfully no heartburn or anything else.
Have You Started to Show Yet: Yes
Gender: boy, Conrad!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and cramping, still no real contractions yet.
Belly Button IN or OUT: it all depends on what position the baby is in, mostly flat though
Looking Forward To: this baby to finally come out! I've opted out of induction at this point because my cervix is still too thick and I'm not dilated so I'm afraid of my increased risks of c-section... So we wait!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

39 Weeks {baby #2}

How Far Along: 39 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26 lbs
Maternity Clothes: more maxi dresses and skirts!
Best Moment This Week: doesn't have anything to do with the pregnancy, but Hanley had a doctor checkup and her doctor was saying how "off the charts" she is as far as her vocabulary is concerned 😊😊
Movement This Week: lots of bulging at the sides, I'm assuming knees and elbows
Food Cravings: still none - none this whole pregnancy, its kinda strange...
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick: nah, back to feeling good and healthy.
Have You Started to Show Yet: Yes
Gender: boy, Conrad!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and cramping, no real contractions yet.
Belly Button IN or OUT: it all depends on what position the baby is in.
Looking Forward To: ultrasound tomorrow - midwife actually says I'm measuring small so we gotta get checked out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hanleys Ears are Pierced!!!

We took the plunge and she survived!!

Her daddy has been wanting her ears pierced since she was a tiny baby. I liked the idea more of her being involved in the decision and make a fun day of it. Momma always wins so we waited.

Right before she turned 2, I was thinking it would be a good idea to get her ears pierced for her birthday. I ended up chickening out and decided to wait a little longer.

After a few more months, I started thinking it was time to get it done. I would occasionally bring it up and ask Hanley if she wanted them done (she always said yes). I actually pinched her little ear lobes slightly with my nails and told her it would feel similar to that.

One Saturday when we had nothing going on (January 31st to be exact) I mentioned it and decided we would go after dinner. On the drive to the mall she knew what was going on, she was nervous, definitely not acting her normal self and knew it was going to pinch.

We went straight to Claire's and I filled out all the necessary paperwork. Hanley kept hiding in her stroller and wouldn't talk to the sales ladies, which is unlike her. Thankfully there were 2 ladies working because I wouldn't have subjected her to getting then pierced with just one lady - not to mention, Hanley probably wouldn't have let the 2nd ear get done after feeling the first. When it was time, I had Hanley sit on my lap and we gave her a sucker to try to help her relax. Then they put the little dots on her ear lobes and got into position. They pulled the triggers at the same time and she cried, of course. I asked for a mirror and as soon as I showed her her earrings, she stopped crying.

We also have a video of it but I won't torture anyone with that!

Then we took her to the play area inside the mall and she squealed with joy. She never complained or acted bothered by her earrings while she was playing. After she played for a little bit, we took her to Coldstone for some yummy ice cream!

I had to clean them 3 times a day for like 6 weeks or so and she only complained for the very first few cleanings but after that she never complained about them again.

All in all, it was a good day and now she loves looking at her earrings and showing them off to people!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

38 Weeks {baby #2}

How Far Along: 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 24 lbs ... I went down a pound??
Maternity Clothes: the weather is changing, I feel like I have more options now but everything is just about too small
Best Moment This Week: Easter was exciting and the last holiday as a family of 3. We also told Hanley she had to search for her Easter basket and it was the cutest!
Movement This Week: lots of movement
Food Cravings: still none - none this whole pregnancy, its kinda strange...
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick: I was pretty sick all week, only have half my voice still...
Have You Started to Show Yet: Yes
Gender: boy, Conrad!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks is all.
Belly Button IN or OUT: very flat, sometimes it pops out though.
Looking Forward To: my doctor appointment tomorrow to see if things are moving along any further (my midwife said last week that my cervix had just barely opened)