Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy Halloween {The Fall Chronicles}

Halloween around here, Ohio, can be hit or miss with the weather. For the last two years, the actual day of Halloween was rainy. Who wants to walk around trick or treating when its cold, yucky, and rainy; am I right!? So for this reason, and because I'm into making my little girl smile (and my husband a little crazy) I had us booked for nearly an entire week straight with various trick or treating, just in case Halloween came around and the weather was too yucky and we missed out all together.

We attended our local zoo's Boo at the Zoo which is always fun. We also went to the mall when they had a trick or treating event and 3 different neighborhood trick or treats (on different days).

I started asking Hanley in the beginning of October what she wanted to be for Halloween, on purpose, in case she flip flopped on her decision. Every time I would ask her, her answer was always Elsa. OK, I can deal with an Elsa, if that's what she wanted - and she told me that for a solid 3 weeks. Then a little over a week before Halloween, she came running to me and said "mom, I want to be a vampire! The most scary vampire in the whole entire world!" Then I started asking her daily and from them on it was always a vampire.

Conrad had a peapod costume and also a spider costume.
Hanleys pumpkin

Monday, November 2, 2015

Hanleys Haircut

Back in the beginning of October I started thinking it would be a good idea to cut Hanleys hair cut. Her hair was half way down her back but it was very uneven, thin, and stringy. I was going to leave it long until after Halloween since she originally said she wanted to be Elsa. After Halloween I mentioned it to her and she was surprisingly ALL for it! She kept saying she wanted her hair shorter than mine, and mine is a couple inches past my shoulders. I looked up the closest kids hair salon and off we went. She sat like a little angel in the chair and followed the stylists instructions and loved it when it was all done! I was a little afraid I would regret cutting her hair terribly after it was all said and done but I'm ok. I'm glad we did it, it will grow so fast and it's only hair!

Conrad's HALF Birthday

Just the sweetest boy! Even while sick, he just has the sweetest demeanor.

Almost 17 pounds and wearing 3 month - 6 month clothing. He's in a size 2 diaper - soon moving to a size 3.

Still blue

So super blonde that he actually has more than it appears because it's so light. I absolutely love rubbing his soft downy head!

Oh my goodness: the entire last month of sleep has been horrendous! Completely and utterly exhaustng! Waaay worse than him as a newborn, eh! I was sick, then Hanley got sick, which got me sick again, and Conrad got sick, then I got a sinus infection, and now he currently has an ear infection. Oh fun! So that definitely had to attribute to so many wakings during the night between both kids. He used to sleep so good at night, it has to get better sometime soon right!?

Breastmilk, cereal, and purees. I actually have given him some puffs and yogurt melts, not many and not often, I just can't figure out if he likes them or not - he makes all sorts of funky faces but keeps eating them.

Signed 'dadda' and 'milk' for the first time during 24 weeks.

Before crawling, to get around (24 wks) he would start sitting on his butt, go into a crawling stance on his hands and knees and kind of pivot around back to his butt. He started crawling at the tail end of 5 months (25 weeks) - it's the absolute cutest, he crawls on one foot while using the opposite knee.

He pulled himself up to a standing position in Hanley's crib at 23 weeks. He hasn't pulled himself up in his own crib, I'm assuming because the slats are smaller and round and he is able to grab onto them because the slats in his own crib are wide and more rectangle in shape.

At the beginning of 5 months (22 weeks) he was able to go from belly to almost able to sit up unassisted but he didn't know how to push one of his arms up further and so he would just end up leaning on one of his arms. Then at 23 weeks he finally mastered sitting up from a laying down position with no problems.


He likes his momma, likes watching his sister and playing with her toys. He also likes to steal little sips of my water, it's so cute - he does this little grunt if I drink water and he wants a sip.

Being tired.


  • First ride in a cart - kept sliding and falling over so we held off for a couple more weeks. (10-01-15)
  • First pumpkin farm (Kingsway) (10-08-15)
  • First Boo at the Akron Zoo - he was a spider (10-24-15)
  • Sat in his first restaurant highchair at Applebees (10-24-15)