Thursday, May 28, 2015

1 Month Old {Conrad}

He is still sporting his bird arms and legs (thighs are just beginning to get fat on them) and a double chin is starting to appear. He's traded his peeling skin for baby acne. Most people say he looks mostly like me, which is nice to hear since Hanley has always favored her daddy.

He will drift off to sleep best when swaddled but our bedroom stays pretty warm in the summer so lately I've been leaving him un-swaddled and he has been sleeping just fine.

He's still mostly opposite from how Hanley was as a newborn.

He's starting to move a ton. The last time I laid him down after nursing last night, I laid him long ways, the way he fits in his bed and when I woke up this morning, he was nearly sideways. He kicks his feet and rolls from side to side pretty good for a little fella.

In a size 1 diaper. Unsure of how long he is currently but he's long! At birth he was 20.5 inches long which was 80-90% for his weight. He's like right in between wearing size newborn clothing and 0-3 months. Newborn is starting to get snug but the 0-3 months are still too big and baggy. The struggle is real for this little one!

He still only stays awake for 30ish minutes at a time. In good lighting his eyes are definitely blue, otherwise they look a gray color. Hoping they decide to stay blue like his big sisters!

He's definitely tracking more things lately. I've noticed his favorite thing to track is Hanley and its so cute! I've recently added a toy owl to his car seat that hangs in his view and he will stare at it for a little bit as well. He also will turn his head when he hears Michael when he gets home from work.

Oh this poor boys hair... So he was born with a head full of light brown/ dirty blonde hair and he's lost the entire top. He still has a party going on in the back though! I didn't even realize it was happening until he got a bath yesterday and I noticed it was all gone. Same thing happened with Hanley but not this quick.

He still sleeps most of the day away. He will even sleep through feeding times but that's ok... Waking for 30 minute intervals.

Sleep at night is decent, usually sleeps for a minimum of 3 hour stretches (sometimes 4+) and I nurse him until he passes back out and lay him back down.

He's never slept in our bed as I'm pretty adamant that I don't want him to. His bassinet is literally right next to me and he sleeps in it.

All breastfeeding still.

He's gaining a lot more control of his head. I really need to do more tummy time but I always think of it after he's already getting fussy from being awake too long. I think he's smiled a couple times but I keep waiting for them to be more consistent.

He likes his big sister and he likes his pacifier when he's sleepy (I'd rather that than him using me as a pacifier). He's starting to like his swing, seemed like he wasn't a fan of it for the first 2 weeks. Also, starting to enjoy looking at all his toys hanging off of his play mat. Likes his back and head rubbed.

Dislikes being awake for longer than 30ish minutes. Dislikes being tired.

Buddy Bear

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