Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2 Weeks Old {Conrad}

My sweet baby boy is already 2 weeks old and I just can.not.believe it! This week will be Michaels last week off, for a total of 3 weeks home with us and has been a huge help! I'm trying not to stress too much about how things will be when he goes back to work... Ahhhhhh
It's amazing how different Conrad is compared to how Hanley was at this age.
Hanley wanted held non stop, Conrad will let you put him down.
Hanley had to be swaddled to sleep, no questions asked, until she was a solid 6 months old - this guy hasn't needed to be swaddled once...
Hanley would not sleep on her back, only her side (I literally had to prop her up on her side, while swaddled...not the best combo) and Conrad has no problem on his back.
Hanley never slept longer than 2 hour stretches and this guy will sleep for 4-5 hour stretches, sometimes longer and has only been waking once at night to nurse.
Hanley cried all the time... Conrad is so laid back, he doesn't care about much.
I really don't remember Hanley ever sleeping like a "newborn" she was such an alert little baby from the start - maybe that's why she cried so much because she couldn't wind herself down enough to get enough sleep lol I don't know.
He's so laid back that even when he wakes up at night to nurse, he doesn't even cry. He literally fusses very calmly and I nurse him and then lay him back down in his bassinet next to my bed and we are good to go.
He's obviously still a newborn so all of this could change, and probably will but so far, this baby boy is a dream come true for a 2nd baby with a demanding toddler running around!
It's still hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I have a son, I feel so lucky!

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