Sunday, June 28, 2015

2 Months Old {Conrad}

He's starting to plump up a bit and feeling more solid.

His baby acne has gone away and thankfully doesn't have any cradle cap (yet, but let's hope for none!) He loves bath time and kicking in the water, only bathing him every several days so his skin doesn't become dried out.

He does spit up still, maybe once a day, occasionally more than that but it's not bad at all. Breast milk spit up doesn't stain either, super score!

Starting to swaddle all sleep because he sleeps better without flailing arms.

He is a mover for sure! He loves being talked to and he kicks like crazy.

We took him to his first Indians baseball game last Saturday, the day before he turned 8 weeks old and he almost giggled while we were there when I was kissing on his hands.

Around 11.5 lbs. In a size 1 diapers, thinking of switching to size 2 after all these one's are gone-which will be soon.
Wearing 0-3 months and some 3 months side clothing.

He's noticing more stuff. Gets excited when he sees the dogs sometimes. Loves tracking Hanley. Tracks Michael's dark hair and goes back & forth looking from his eyes to his hair. Spots the tv occasionally. He loves watching ceiling fans. Still sporting his baby blues (please please stay!)

He's got blonde peach fuzz on top, it's gotten a tad longer in the past month but stuff just fuzz. Blonde lashes and blonde eye lashes - my dream boy!!!

Still sleeps a ton! During the day he will wake to nurse, we talk and/or play for 30-45 minutes tops and then he is fussing & ready to go back to sleep. During the night he usually only wakes once. Right around 8 weeks he slept all night long, like 8-9 hours. Typically will sleep 4-5 hour stretches at night. While we are at home, he takes 95% of naps in his crib. He even has been sleeping the first half of the night in his crib on occasion and then when he wakes up I bring him into our room and he sleeps the second half of the night in his bassinet. Still hasn't slept in our bed!


Right before 9 weeks he started noticing his feet... He has much better back and neck strength and holds his head up pretty well. He smiles all the time, especially when being talked to and coo's a lot. My favorite is when he smiles at me when he sees me before I ever talk to him.

Watching Hanley. Sleeping. His play mat. He likes his hands and also being talked to. When I put him down for a nap, I take him to his room, sit in his glider chair and put him up on my shoulder and he loves licking/sucking on my shoulder.

Pacifier (3/4 of the time)
The car (half the time, not every time)
Being tired

Mister Conrad

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