Thursday, March 19, 2015

35 Weeks {baby #2}

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 25 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes! I may of had a bit of a little meltdown when I needed to do laundry a few days ago and I couldn't find anything comfy that would cover my belly! Haha But have no fear, laundry is clean again and we are back in
Best Moment This Week: the material to make the curtains for the nursery came and I finished all other projects I was doing for his room! Also, got a double stroller that I'm excited about, got the car seat down from the attic and moved all the straps to fit a teeny newborn (eeek!!). Also put the bassinet together that will go next to my bed.
Movement This Week: he likes to create awkward bulges on my sides.
Food Cravings: still none - none this whole pregnancy, its kinda strange.
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick: Hanley vomited something fierce allllllll over the kitchen rug the beginning of the week and I gagged a couple times, which I totally blame on this pregnancy because I have a very strong stomach typically.
Have You Started to Show Yet: Yes
Gender: little baby boy
Symptoms: started using a slightly thinner pillow in between my legs while sleeping and the pain in my hips isn't as bad as with the fluffier pillow, who knew!? Also, some pelvic pain/pressure, and my left leg is still going numb and it's so annoying. Oh, also, I believe I'm nesting: lots of cleaning, laundry, and organizing going on!
Belly Button IN or OUT: the very top of my belly button has popped out a tad but the bottom part is still flat
Looking Forward To: getting the curtains put up in his room and hanging the last of the decorations.

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