Sunday, December 13, 2015

Thanksgiving in Chicago {The Fall Chronicles}

This year for Thanksgiving I took my kids and went with my mom to Chicago. My oldest brother and his family live there and we thought it would be a nice little change. Michael wasn't actually able to get the days he needed off work so he had to stay home.

I expected it to be a nice, relaxing time but it was actually very opposite. Conrad decided to stop sleeping at night and cut his very first tooth while we were there. He was very clingy and fussy. The last night we were there, he woke up around 12 times at night. Needless to say, I was exhausted. Hanley was also not herself during our visit. My niece and nephew are a few years older than her but they play well together. Hanley just had meltdown after meltdown, not listening and just being defiant all around. She wasn't eating correctly and certainly not getting enough sleep at night (with no naps either).

The actual Thanksgiving meal was fantastic and so yummy! Regardless of how my kids acted and the fact that it caused me to never want to go further than 30 minutes away from home for a long time, it was a good trip visiting with my family.

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