Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Countdown paper chains

Hanleys 3rd birthday is in 6 days and it has become a daily occurrence for her to question us about it. I've tried showing her the calendar and pointing out which day we are on, then showing her which day we have to get to but I think it's a little too much for her to comprehend.

Yesterday she asked when her birthday would be here and all of the sudden, the light bulb went off to make a paper chain to show her "how many more sleeps."

So this morning I went and grabbed some construction paper and cut out strips, wrote a day on each one leading up to her actual birthday and then another up to her birthday party, then stapled them together! I tried explaining it to her again but hoping tomorrow when she wakes up and we take a chain off, she might understand a little bit more. And if not, it's still something fun to do with her. I'm also a sucker for traditions so we might be doing lots of more paper chains in her future!

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