Saturday, September 5, 2015

4 Months Old {Conrad}

My sweet boy! He is a happy boy; very chill, content, and easy going. Still spitting up occasionally, not too worried about it though. Still the most drooly kid ever and the doc agrees it looks like his bottom 2 front teeth are going to come through soon.

He is still wearing 3 month clothing but 0-3 is now too small. I also can put him in a lot of 6 month rompers, they're baggy but apparently I don't have much 3-6 size clothing(!?) Not sure what happened there lol
He weighed in at 14 lbs 4.2 oz (23%) at his 4 month doctor appointment. 86% in height at 26 inches. Wearing size 2 diapers.

Still sporting blue eyes, they're beautiful!  He loves watching big sister, Hanley!! Also, starting to watch a lot of what the dogs do. Has excellent hand/eye coordination.

So blonde that he looks bald! His hair is very short but I love what he does have!

I'm pretty proud that he has never ended up in our bed so far! He's (mostly) a champion sleeper. He doesn't sleep through every night but he gives me pretty good stretches of sleep. Still taking around 3 naps a day and goes to bed around 10:30pm and is typically up around 6am to nurse but then goes right back to sleep until 8-9am.
Halfway through month 3 he stopped getting swaddled for his naps. I use to already have a swaddle blanket in his crib, ready to swaddle him after he fell asleep but he started waking up in the process of swaddling so I started letting him sleep on his belly and keeping a good eye on him through his video monitor.
Starting around 13 weeks he started rolling from his back to his stomach while sleeping and swaddled... After it started becoming a more consistent thing, I had to start making him sleep at night unswaddled. 

Nursing full time.

Rolling in all directions. Giggled without being tickled (07/30/15). Good hand/eye coordination and grabbing stuff. Wants to sit up so bad, especially in his car seat.
He is playing with more toys on his exersaucer. He always seems to giggle the most right before bed and enjoys sticking spitting and sputtering

Won't take a bottle, doesn't exactly dislike it, just won't take ANY of the 12ish different kinds we have. Car rides... There's usually around a 70% chance he will cry at some point during a car ride.


  • took both kids swimming at Lions Park wading pool, put Conrad in Hanleys floaty
  • went to Swings N Things
  • started playing in his exersaucer
  • first Akron Rubber Ducks game (08/22/15)

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