Wednesday, October 15, 2014

1st Trimester Update {baby #2}

I'm closely approaching the 2nd trimester of my second pregnancy. It seems so crazy to me that we are here again - we chose this but it's a little surreal.

I found out very early, 3 weeks to be exact. It seemed a little too early to take a test but I had a very strong intuition and the test very quickly confirmed that!

One thing that tipped me off, I was waking up in the middle of the night to pee and I have been sleeping through the night since Hanleys been sleeping through the night so that was a little odd to me. Another thing, I was getting up in the morning and not feeling like I could wake up. I was so fatigued and that wasn't normal for me.

So I stuck Hanley in her wagon and walked up the street to the drugstore and purchased a pack of tests. A "pack of tests" thinking I would need more than one because it was very early. Wrong...

Hanleys 2nd birthday party was around 8 weeks away and I had told Michael before getting pregnant I thought it might be fun to announce it then!

So I had my first doctor appointment at 8 weeks. Nothing special, just the routine check up, blood work, and questions. My next doctor appointment was around 3 weeks later, the day before Hanleys 2nd birthday party and it was an ultrasound. It was nice to have an ultrasound picture to have for her birthday party. The baby was itty bitty but there, actually must've been sleeping because it never moved, not once, during the ultrasound. The heartbeat measured at 164bpm.

I had another ultrasound last week, at 12 weeks, for the down syndrome testing. I opted to do the testing only because I knew it included another ultrasound and posed no threat to the baby. The tech ultimately wasn't able to get a good enough picture but I never rescheduled because the outcome of the test won't change anything. It was just nice to see the baby again. The baby was a complete wiggle worm this time and flipped, flopped, and hiccupped all over my belly. The heartbeat then was 160bpm.

I have another doctor appointment, just the regular monthly checkup, at 17 weeks (4 weeks away). And then we do the anatomy scan just a week and 2 days after that, at mid 18 weeks!

I'm thankful for (so far) an easy going 2nd pregnancy. Hanleys was a breeze, except for sciatica for a few weeks at the tail end. Never any morning sickness, heartburn, or anything else. I gained exactly 30 with Hanley, which is what was recommended and so far this time I haven't gained any just yet. (Which never makes any sense to me because I clearly have more of a belly than I normally have not pregnant yet the scale hasn't moved?????)

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