Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Hanley Monroe

It's shocking to me how the second year of Hanleys life went even faster than the first! Who thought that was possible?? I certainly didn't!

So I originally was planning for a Daniel the Tiger 2nd birthday party. Then I slowly started to realize everything was Dora. She stopped asking for Daniel the Tiger and constantly started asking for Dora everything.

New plan : Ah-DORA-ble Fiesta birthday party!!

I planned to have her birthday party in our backyard with mostly family and closest friends. I personally never really wanted Hanley to like Dora the Explorer but oh well. One of the good things about having Dora as the theme of the party, pretty much any bright colors will be good to decorate with, and thats exactly what I used!

 Her party was a huge success in my book and I enjoyed making all of her decorations!

Also at her party, we announced that we are expecting our 2nd baby!! I had a box for her to open after all other presents were opened that contained a few books and a movie about being a big sister, a tee shirt that says "Big Sister" and also one of the ultrasound pictures from our doctor appointment we had just the day before. 

It was a huge surprise and we had been keeping this secret for nearly 8 weeks! I'm currently 11 weeks and it was so incredibly hard to keep quiet!

We hadn't even told Hanley about her going to be a big sister until her birthday surprise because she is so bright and talkative that we were afraid she would have spoiled it! Good thing we didn't tell her too, because after her party I was telling her all about how mommy has a baby in her belly and what that means, a few hours later I was going through her bedtime routine and reading her a few books before laying her down. I wasn't reading any books about baby's or anything relating to the topic and all the sudden, she cut me off saying "baby in da belly!!!" HAHA so she definitely would've slipped at some point, I believe! It was a great day and she had so much fun playing with all her little friends and cousins!

On the day of her actual birthday, I took her to the zoo in the morning and then later we took her to Chuck E Cheese!

 Happy Birthday beautiful girl!!

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