Tuesday, October 6, 2015

5 Months Old {Conrad}

He's still wearing all the same stuff and sizes as last month, he seems to be really lean and long. Wearing size 2 diapers and weighs around 15 lbs but won't have official numbers until next month.

Still rocking blue eyes and I'm hoping since Hanley has blue also, they will stay that way!

Coming in so good! It's silly how happy his little fuzzy head makes me! And his hair is so blonde that you can't even tell how much he truly has because it's so light!

Oh baby boy! Midway through his 4th month he started waking constantly at night again like a newborn. I decided he was outgrowing his bassinet in my room and put him in his crib full time at night about a week ago or so... (09-23-15)

Naps (around 3 a day) are always in his crib and I rock him to sleep for those and then lay him down. It has become increasingly difficult to get him to fall asleep and then equally difficult to get him to stay asleep upon the transfer, we are working toward a solution...

Since he started rolling while being swaddled last month, I had to start letting him sleep unswaddled. I found the Zipadee-zip and that was supposed to help with the startle reflex babies have. He started using that at night and it seems to be a good thing for him (17 weeks) - plus it serves as a wearable blanket.

I haven't tried in awhile but he wouldn't ever take a bottle so we are still nursing - which I would still nurse him, but would let him have a bottle occasionally so I can be away longer than 2-3 hours at a time...

I also started giving him purees once a day to every other day. Started out with cereal (09-01-15), and quickly moved right on to avocado. Green beans, carrots, banana, and squash. I've made all the food that he has consumed so far and have a pretty decent stock pile in the freezer. He has loved everything I've ever given him. The banana was given through the mesh eater and that was a fun new experience for him!

He is doing so much! He doesn't sit still, seems to be all boy! He is sitting up unassisted (19 weeks) (mostly, still placing the boppy around him if he's sitting on the floor) he is doing a crawling stance/motion. He gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth and will pull one knee up at a time, like crawling, but his hands aren't moving. He is also trying really really hard to go from a hands and knees position to a sitter position, he's not quite there but so close and so cute!

Loves his big sister. Likes playing with toys and sitting in his exersaucer.

Being put down if he's tired, he wants to be held.

Brother, bubba, monkey

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