Saturday, January 25, 2014


I, alone, took Hanley on her second trip to Florida! It was a blast to spend a week with my best friend and her (almost) 3 year old! We went about 2 weeks ago, it was a spontaneous trip since school started back up last week.

Michael had to stay back in cold Ohio since he had to work. Also, her house is on the smaller side, although we could've made it work, for an entire we would've probably got a hotel room and would've had to rent a car and the $$ just keeps adding up. lol We also wanted it to just be us girls anyway (her husband worked most days I was there also). So it worked out exactly how we wanted it actually.

We took Hanley to Florida last July (she was 9 months old). Michael, my mom, and I all went for my best friends wedding. She was so great on all the flights and I wasn't really too worried then since there was 3 of us to switch off with her and I nursed her as we took off and landed which helped a lot.

This time I was a little nervous for the flights and our time at the airports (since we had a layover). I wish I would've gotten a good picture because it was quite the sight as I was wearing a backpack as big as I was (packed full of food, snacks, cup, electronics, diapers and other essentials), pushing an umbrella stroller (with wheels that have minds of their own) while pullling luggage as I'm walking to the side so I dont trip over the luggage. With that said, I don't know why I ever doubt her or my ability to handle her on my own in that type of setting. She was undoubtedly the best behaved little one on every flight (to and from) and in the airports. She is such a good 'go with the flow' little girl! She listens very well and as long as she has food in her belly, her favorite show on my tablet, and her momma, she could conquer the world! =) She got so many compliments from flight attendants, airport staff, and fellow fliers.

Our time in Florida will be cherished forever. We packed our week full of fun things to do with the kids:
Palm Beach Zoo
Random playgrounds
Bike riding
Hanleys first carousel and train rides
Jupiter beach
Ice cream & souvenir shops

Hope, my best friend for nearly 15 years, lives no more than 5 minutes from the ocean. Hanley really is not a fan of the beach. The water wasn't exactly warm enough for me to want to jump in so we just hung out up in the sand and ate some lunch. Hanley likes the water and when the waves come up to her toes but not a big fan of the sand. She won't even sit in it, she will cry unless she gets to sit in a lap haha.

It was just so nice to see Hanley and Gavin interact and play together all week. She is at such a fun age and at the point where she can make some decisions and answer questions with yes and no.

Hope and I got to have a night out after the kids went to sleep, which was much needed and a lot of fun! We went to Cabo Flats and Dirty Martini.

While the weather was absolutely perfect, I missed my husband and get homesick very quick. It's always nice to be home!

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