15 months old!?!? Are you kidding me!?! Please slow down little one! One of these months I will get this posted on time...
I'm honestly not too sure where she is weight-wise, I keep forgetting to weigh her. I'm still nursing, once at bedtime but I will probably start to phase that out in next few months. She barely has 5 teeth, the 5th just cut through recently and is barely half way through. Her teeth situation bothers me, I should be happy and not worry about it because everything I've read says the longer it takes for them to get teeth, the better. It just stinks not letting her eat anything and still having to give her mostly soft things.
Her talking and the amount of words she can say just amazes me. She will attempt any word you ask her to say and the number of words she says grows by the day.
She loves watching TV so much lately that I actually have to turn it off sometimes to get her out of a trance. Anything on Disney Junior and Daniel Tigers Neighborhood.
She despises getting her diaper changed,she is just an entirely too busy girl for that business...but the feeling is pretty much mutual because I hate fighting with her about it.
She is a mostly healthy child, although she got a nasty stomach virus and vomited for a few hours, it was so sad but it was only like a 12 hour bug...but then she gave it to me, and then I gave it to Michael lol.
She is a great sleeper! Naps every day anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. Goes to bed every night between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until 8am but lately later.
Her eating habits haven't been the greatest lately, I think just because she is a busy girl! Her pediatrician actually warned us that this may happen. To date, the only thing I have found that she doesn't like is mandarin oranges. We really try to expose her to any and every thing possible.
She is a lot more cuddly than ever before. She lays her head down on our shoulders which she was never really a fan of doing before. She will not leave her crib without grabbing a blanket or a stuffed animal and if you try to leave it in the crib, she has a meltdown.
My only complaint with her this month is if she doesn't get her way lately she has a fit and yells and swings her hands, almost like she is hitting. It only lasts a very short time and I try to just let it go because yelling doesn't change anything but maybe make it worse.
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