16 months is here! That means that now she's closer to a year and a half rather than a year old. Eek!
She's incredibly smart, like literally shocks me most days. So independent and strong willed!
She loves her dogs so much. Every morning when I get her from her crib, she doesn't call for mama, dada, or anyone else, she calls for the dogs! Most of the time at least one of the dogs are with me but if not, she gets whiny until she sees them and then giggles. She loves helping with them; feeding them, picking up their bowls, giving them treats, and most importantly funny, yelling at them
She hasn't been to the doctor in a little while but she's weighing in right around 24lbs but short. Finally getting a few more teeth, she is up to 7! Haha She is wearing some 12 month clothing, mostly 12-18 though. A lot of her 18 month outfits are still too big though. I was very grateful to scrape together enough summer outfits that fit her comfortably for our trip to Florida a couple weeks ago.
Still signs "all done" when she is done eating. Signs "more" some and "please" all the time. She pretty much dropped the sign for "eat", "water" and "milk" because she just says them "wah" and "mik".
She actually is starting to answer questions with yes and no which is exciting! She's starting to count, she will say 2, 3, 6, 8, 9...haha I'll catch her sitting alone counting to herself as she is looking at her fingers. Singing the alphabet is getting fun too, she will say E, E, E, E, E, E, E as we sing A, B, C, D, E, F, G... Then she will say the O, P, T, and Y in the right spots as I sing the song! She's not forming many sentences yet, other than "bye bye dada dada" haha but we can pretty much understand everything she's saying and she attempts any word we ask of her.
She is a lot better about getting her diaper changed, hallelujah, I think it is because I'm asking for her help and she loves being a little helper. I ask her to get me a diaper and she will bring it to me and sit down. Afterwards, I'll ask her to throw the dirty diaper away and it's awesome to see her walk it over, lift the lid of the trash can and drop it in!
Her sleeping habits are still pretty stellar! Sleeping all night, from around 8:30pm-8:30am. And napping mid-day for 2-3 hours. I'm still amazed that I just lay her down and she snuggles up with her bear or glow worm (sometimes both) and blanket and falls asleep all on her own. I'm still nursing her, at bedtime, but I do believe that will be phased out very soon since she's been pulling off after only several short minutes lately.
Her sleeping habits are still pretty stellar! Sleeping all night, from around 8:30pm-8:30am. And napping mid-day for 2-3 hours. I'm still amazed that I just lay her down and she snuggles up with her bear or glow worm (sometimes both) and blanket and falls asleep all on her own. I'm still nursing her, at bedtime, but I do believe that will be phased out very soon since she's been pulling off after only several short minutes lately.