This little boy loves his daddy something fierce lately! Daddy gets the most kisses. Always wants to be doing what Hanley is doing. Tried many pacifiers again with zero luck; I'm done trying, at least I won't have to take it away later on down the road.
My sweet boy is on the small side: a whole 18 pounds (23 percentile). He is in the 57 percentile for height and 78 percentile for head circumference. He wears size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothing.
Blue eyes and blonde hair. He is starting to have more hair in the back than on top.
His sleep has been so very horrendous but I think we are slowly starting to see some changes for the better in the sleep department. At the beginning of 8 months he finally slept a solid 8 hours at night. Then started sleeping a little better with the help of Orajel Naturals. He cut 2 teeth; 2nd bottom one and the first top one. He's actually starting to settle himself back to sleep if he wakes up.
He was very adament in trying my pizza at the beginning of 8 months and he loved it!! He still nurses and has 3 meals a day with many snacks. He started smacking his lips (37 weeks) when he wants something to eat or sees anyone eating.
Taking more risks when he is holding onto furniture he will take a step toward another piece of furniture. Said 'dadda' and started saying more sounds, 'duh, doh, bah, guh'. Perfected the pincher grasp at 37 weeks.
At the tail end of 38 weeks he took his first steps that we got on video, around 4-6 steps from me to Michael.
Likes seeing his daddy, likes to eat, playing with Hanley, taking baths.
Bottles, formula, pacifiers. Hates being put down if he's tired.
Bud, bubba, brother.
35 weeks : Celebrated NYE at my brothers house
36 weeks : Akron pop up children's museum
38 weeks : Took the kids swimming at the rec center and Conrad loved being on his back in the water!
We went to Cafe O Play and Conrad had a blast up in the tubes and slides!
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