Today was day #2 of absolutely no potty accidents and no going potty in diapers! (except for nap and bed times, of course, I'm not that brave yet!) She is doing so well. We didn't leave the house one time yesterday which helps big time.
Today we did venture out for lunch with my sister. I put a diaper on her because I didn't want a disaster on my hands but we had a chat and she stayed dry the entire time. After lunch we went to the mall and we were in a store when she started grunting and saying " potty mommy" so I checked her diaper, it was still dry so I scooped her up and ran her all the way to a bathroom. I reminded her the whole way to hold it and when we got to the potty she pooped!! What a big girl!! I luckily had a sucker in my purse and every time I told her how proud of her I was, she would get bashful and lay her head on my shoulder. She's such a sweet little spirit!
I feel like this time is the real deal, or I hope so at least, every other try at this she would have accidents and I would get discouraged and put a diaper back on her. So far, if she has to go potty and I'm not asking her or sitting her on her potty, she puts herself on it and goes all on her own!!
Before, when I've tried to get her going on the potty, I would put normal underwear on her and tell her it wasn't a diaper and that she couldn't go potty in them; she would have accidents and a diaper would go back on. So this time, she's literally is running around with NOTHING on her lower half. Only a shirt and it's working so much better.
She knows after she goes to the bathroom in her potty she either gets a sucker or some M&M's (depending on the time of day as to how many she gets, but usually no more than 3). We have a potty song and a potty dance we do as well and its hilarious seeing her do it with me. She also yells, "yay Hanley!!" haha
Tomorrow is another day, and we will try conquering the hardship that is potty training again! She's not even 2 yet but she's so incredibly smart, I know she can do it if she just put her mind to it!!
Ps: she counted to 5 in Spanish today, all.on.her.own! We were floored when she did it. I continued on with "seis and siete" and she yells "ocho!" Haha I about died!
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