I feel like I say this every single month since Hanley's been born; I can't believe how fast time is going by. Hanley is so smart and I'm constantly being shocked by her new antics! I haven't weighed her in a month but at her 12 month appointment, she weighed 21.8 lbs and was 28 in. Since birth she has always been on the small side and always below the 50th percentile in all categories but at her last appointment she jumped up to the 70th percentile in weight but is still on the short side (36th%). Her foot is only a size 3, which seems really small for her age but I don't exactly know. I do know that she doesn't fit majority of 12 month shoes, I have to get her 9 month shoes.
She can sign 7 words; eat, water, milk, all done, please, thank you, and more. She says so many words, 20+ words. Started walking everywhere around the 3rd week of October, so a little over a year old, and has 3 teeth.
Normally, she will wake up around 8am and is down to taking about 1 nap a day, around 12:30pm and sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours. Bedtime is anywhere from 8-8:30pm and usually will sleep all night. Since birth I would rock her to sleep in our glider for naptime but we are now getting to the point where I can just lay her down if she is tired and she will fall asleep on her own. It's all so bittersweet to me, I enjoyed rocking her to sleep and holding her but lately she just wiggles around and doesn't want rocked so she has been falling asleep on her own. She is still nursed to sleep at night, we are down to nursing 1-2 times a day.
She is finally starting to drink milk out of a sippy cup. When I started giving her cows milk, she would gag and gag drinking it from a sippy. It didn't matter if it was warm or cold, she would still gag. The moment I put said milk in a bottle, she would scarf it down! It was the weirdest thing ever to me. She's been using a sippy cup since she was 4 months old and rarely using a bottle since I (still) nurse. I always offer her milk in a sippy so slowly but surely we are phasing out bottles.
To date, the only food I have found that she doesn't like is mandarin oranges. That's odd to me because she likes naval oranges and clementines but not mandarin oranges.
She's been doing this thing lately where she puts her arms up and says "up up up". So we pick her up but a second later she wants down. 2 seconds later she is saying "up up up" again...egh. It's adorable but after the 10th time, it gets a little tiring. She's also been singing "lalalala" and dancing to all her favorite Disney shows and any music she hears.
I've been letting her pick out the books we read at bedtime, she always picks one at a time and hands it to me, then I tell her "you can grab another one" and her eyes light up and she goes digging through the basket some more. We usually read 4-5 books a night, her favorite book currently is this bird book.
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