I'm deep in denial about how quick my sweet boy will be one year old! This past year flew by faster than a blink of an eye!
20 lbs
Size 3 diapers still.
Wearing a size 4 shoe.
Wearing mostly 12 month clothing. 9 month onsies still fit good, and some 9 month pants fit.
Eyes and Teeth
Blue eyes and 6 teeth. He cut two more top teeth this month. Always results in a clingy, cranky, and drooly Conrad.
Blonde. Contemplating cutting off his "mullet" but certainly not until after his first birthday.
Not much new to report here: sleep is decent. No excessive wake ups but not sleeping through the night consistently at all.
Nursing a handful of times a day. Not a huge fan of chunks of a lot of foods but still eating baby food daily.
Started hugging when asked. (45 weeks)
Blowing kisses (47 weeks)
Started to be able to stand up in the middle of the room, without using something to help pull himself up. (48 weeks)
Tries to jump when you ask him to jump. (48 weeks)
Loves carrying around the tiny toy ketchup bottle from the kitchen set. Loves playing with toys and reading books. Won't leave his penis alone during any diaper change.
Teething. He is mostly a very pleasant little boy. Peas and green beans (the actual vegetable).
I'm slowing down on the nicknames, I just stick with Bud and Brother mainly
45 weeks:
Stayed the night at Jeanettes with me and Hanley for the first time. We went to her house because the power was out for hours and hours at our house since someone snapped a utility pole in half with her car.
Play date with Jax and Alexa at Vanessa's house
48 weeks:
First Easter
Play group at American Elite