We got family photos taken last month for Christmas but I never got around to posting them. A friend of ours took them at Heritage Tree Farm in Peninsula. I was so very pleased with them, I just kept smiling when he sent them to me! Hanley was not cooperating at first but she soon came around. The main photo that I wanted was a group shot of all of us and the entire thing would be a success in my book, thankfully we got a couple that turned out perfect! The entire session took no longer than 30 minutes which was even more of a plus!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Family Photos {The Winter Chronicles}
Sunday, January 3, 2016
8 Months Old {Conrad}
He's in a size 3 diapers. Wearing sizes 6-9 month clothing and size 3 in shoe. I'm thinking he's on the skinnier side, this dude just doesn't have any rolls. No arm rolls or thigh rolls, just a little belly.
Blue eyes
He's got a soft downy blonde head!
I think I need to rename this to "lack of sleep". I function pretty darn well on such little sleep with two littles. His sleep is absolutely no better, sometimes he's up so many times I lose count. I've actually had to wake Michael up in the middle of the night after trying to get Conrad back to sleep for a couple of hours so he can try and give me some relief.
My rule has always been no babies in our bed unless they are sick or there's a problem. I guess I could stretch it and consider Conrad's excessive wakings at night a problem but I just plain and simple do not like my kids in my bed, and don't want to create any bad habits or make it a habit. So I deal with little sleep the best I can.
Been introducing more foods and trying old ones that he decided he didn't like anymore. (bananas & avocados)
32 Weeks
He cut his first tooth (12-03-15).
Is starting to get food to his mouth more and more.
Started dancing and bouncing up and down to music.
Will sparingly give open mouth kisses.
33 Weeks
He tried climbing the stairs (not ready for that!!)
34 Weeks
He started saying "dhhh" which I'm hoping is the start of dadda!
Walking along furniture
Will put his hand up and make a loud noise and we call that his waving. He responds with this a lot when someone says hi and bye.
Giving kisses a little more.
First Christmas!
His momma, food & snacks, Hanley. Absolutely loves the bathtub and taking a bath! He smiles so big and just squeals.
When someone else is holding him and I'm in sight (always worse when he's hungry or tired. But definitely dealing with some separation anxiety issues and/or teething). Won't take a pacifier nor bottles.