Hanley is growing up so incredibly fast! She is extremely bright and brings so much joy to my life!
Let's see:::
Around 26lbs - she hasn't been to the doctor lately but the last time I stood her on a scale it said 26. She is thinning out some, I think. Still waiting on her last first year molar to come all the way through and all 4 eye teeth. Her hair is getting so long and starting to get a little curl to the ends.
She can now count to 14 and sings the ABC's. Constantly walking around singing "E-I-E-I-O", "One Two Buckle My Shoe...", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She loves to sing songs and begs me to sing more and more and more! We are still working on some shapes and I'm always identifying colors to her and asking her if she knows what color something is. She is working on it but still likes to call everything blue and/or green.
She's pretty much speaking in sentences now! She still does some sign language, "please" and "more" mainly, even though she doesn't really need to, it's probably just habit at this point.
Still extremely polite; says
bless you,
please, and
thank you every chance she gets! Just starting to say "excuse me" if she burps or something like that, which is so adorable! Loves reading books and I'm pretty sure she is getting tired of most of her toys. Although, she just got a little kitchen and she is enjoying playing with that lately.
She is absolutely obsessed with Dora the Explorer. Like screams when it comes on and asks to watch "Dora Dora" all day long. I definitely have to limit her TV time because she could watch all day long. Dora themed birthday party!?! It might just be happening and I hope she loves it!
She is starting to get the hang of going potty on the big girl potty...starting... she's been going most days throughout the week, at least once, just not very consistent. She does, however, say "potty mommy, potty" the moment I go into her room to get her out of her bed in the mornings. She doesn't always go potty in the mornings when I take her but at least it's on her mind!
I'm very thankful that
so far she doesn't throw tantrums. I hear stories of other kids her age having meltdowns but it's rare for Hanley to have one. I really hope she keeps up her kind spirit and passes right over the terrible two's (could I be so lucky!?!?). I have her schedule pretty regimented and so she seems to only throw tantrums when she is tired, hungry, or teething - so not very often. Thank goodness! I wonder if it also helps that she talks so well because I've always read that a lot of the time, tantrums happen because the child doesn't effectively know how to express their feelings. Who really knows, right!?!
This summer is already flying by so fast, it's hard to believe! I'm starting to plan her 2nd birthday party (tear). We have so many things to do and experiences to have - I'm trying to pack our summer full of fun things, even if she won't really remember. I love her so much, what did I ever do without her!?