Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Breastfeeding Diaries

As I reflect, I feel EXTREMELY lucky and fortunate to have breastfed Hanley for a year and a half!

It's been around a month and a half since I have weaned her.. I just decided it was time and I honestly don't feel like she was really getting much anyway. More than anything, toward the end I feel like it was more of a routine and soothing thing.

It was a quick wean and very very painless - it's like she never even was a breastfed baby. The night I decided it was the last night (or planned) I tried soaking it in, the entire year and a half, such a bittersweet moment.

The next night, I was a little worried about how things would go. I actually brought her a little cup, half full of warm milk to drink while I read her some night time books. After I read the books and she was done drinking her milk, I gave her a pacifier and never gave her a chance to try "going for it". I laid her in her crib and told her it was time to go to sleep and walked out. If I remember correctly, she might have fussed for a few seconds and might have taken her an extra 5 minutes to fall asleep but each night got better and better.

Each night, she wanted less and less milk from the cup I would bring to her room. Until finally, she didn't drink any of the milk. This was the best scenerio in my mind because I didn't want to have to wean her from drinking the milk, especially when it came time to potty train for night time!

Thankfully I have a pretty easy going little lady! We weaned and neither one of us have looked back! I thank God I had such a wonderful journey breastfeeding her. I'm such a huge breastfeeding advocate, it's not easy, especially in the beginning but if it's something you want for your baby, I would suggest fighting through it!

If anyone ever has any questions, in need of advice or encouragement, I am always here. I'm not really shy when it comes to that, because I feel like it's such a natural thing and the best for all babies!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and remembered what Memorial Day is really all about.

I've had a very busy past 4-5 days! I've done hours and hours of yard work for 5 straight days. I have never worked so hard in the yard and it feels very rewarding to step back and take a look at the outcome!! I really wish I would have taken before and after pictures but unfortunately, I did not.

I also cleaned out our garage! We've been in our house for almost 8 years and half of our 2 car garage has been trashed, stuff thrown anywhere, stuff just taking up space and blending in to the walls. It's not perfect but it looks good for what I had to work with! =)

The result of the tidy garage and tailored yard, I had to call for a special trash pick up. I have nearly 20 trash bags and other random garbage on the curb tonight and it feels so good!  Next, I will move to the basement and then my craft room!!

We attended a couple cookouts and I even jumped in a hot tub with my neighbors! The powerful jets felt so wonderful on my sore muscles from all that yard work!

Saturday morning, a few friends and I ran in The Color Vibe 5k! That's always fun and I am very proud of my best friend and myself! Neither of us trained for it, at all! I have just been focusing on weights at the gym and do very little cardio. Plus, my friend had strep throat and she still killed it!!! I'm thinking about running another 5k in August but haven't made up my mind yet.

I'm trying to load up our summer with as much as I possibly can! We are going camping in two weeks for the first time as a family and I'm pretty excited about it! I grew up camping and it's been over a decade since I've camped!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

20 Month Update

CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! AHhhhhhhhhhhh only 4 more months until I have a 2 year old! Jeesh, slow down time!

Hanley is such a joy and the light of my life! She is so incredibly smart and constantly shocking me!

She can count to 10 and she's been singing (sections) of the ABC song and it just melts me! I've been catching her singing "Now I know my ABC's" and my FAVORITE "Won't chu say, Love you Mommy!" because I'm always singing her the "I love you, you love me" song haha. She is starting to identify some shapes as well!

She is very polite, says "bless you " when someone sneezes and "thank you" if you give her something, usually without being asked! Puckering up and giving kisses, without being asked and tells us she loves us. She also will say "I missed you mom" when I get her out of her crib sometimes. (How can it get any better than that!?). She also knows its time to brush her teeth when I tell her it's time to get ready for bed and she just started to actually brush her teeth instead of just sucking all the toothpaste off! lol 

I would describe her as a cautiously curious little girl.
I feel like I say everything is my absolute favorite but seriously, it doesn't get much better than seeing her from across the room, kneeling down, throwing my arms wide open and her running into them!

She is such a great little mommy to her babies and stuffed animals. I adore quietly watching her care for them, pick them up with a blanket, shush them, sway while holding them, putting them in the baby cradle, covering them up, and rocking the cradle! SWOOOOON!!!

She hasn't been to the doctor lately but she looks to be losing some of her baby fat - especially in her big ol' belly and her chunky little thighs!

I'm very thankful that she had very few tantrums and is overall a very pleasant little human!

Her hair is getting so long and I can't figure out if it's going to curl or stay straight. She finally has started to cut all 4 first year molars at the same time. All the crowns aren't even out yet on all teeth but she's getting there, this makes 12 teeth in her mouth now! Finally!!

Sleeping is still going great! I've been thinking more and more about a toddler bed but I'm just not ready for all that big girl stuff yet!

Potty training is slow, nothing has really been happening as of lately when she sits on the potty but she's still willing to sit! Usually when its time to brush teeth!! Haha

I could brag on her forever, who doesn't like to brag about their little ones! She is just so bright and can pretty much tell us what she wants. She is getting better at putting words together to form little sentences and saying lots of multiple syllable words!

I love being a mommy to her so much, how could it get any better than this?

I guess I better start thinking of birthday ideas. Happy 20 months girlie! Now slow down!

School's Out For Summer!

So schools actually been out for a couple weeks now but I'm still just as excited! I'm a forever student (feels like), I ended the semester with an A and B {Deans List, woot!}--- these classes were SOOO time consuming! I'm glad to have the summer to relax, yet pack full of fun stuff to do! 

Hanley started swim lessons, even though we were already doing just about everything with her in the water they are instructing but at our own, faster pace. Oh well, it's nice to be with other parents and kids - even though the water is always freezing! I really want to find a cute one piece swim suit, I would like to wear it to her swim lessons and to my neighbors hot tub.

I have a very strong love/hate relationship with yard work! I did 5 hours of yard work yesterday and YOU.CAN'T.EVEN.TELL! Tell me where the fun is in that!? It's all stuff that needs to be done but c'mon!
We always have walnut trees that grow rampid in our bushes (silly squirrels) so I had to cut all 56337 of them out. Which involves putting the clippers through the fence, then putting my arms through the fence and squeezing the clippers with all my might to cut the thick 'trunk'...and my arms are intertwined with the bushes so needless to say my arms look like I'm a druggie. Bruises, scrapes, and scratches everywhere! It really is never ending! I did another 2 hours today while Hanley napped! 

For dinner tonight I made lasagna and brought half of it to a friends house that had surgery. I like helping out when people are in need and I'm capable!

I've been doing lots of odd and end things around the house! It's nice to cross things off to-do lists! I have been working on Hanleys baby book and adding pictures to the pages. Put up some shelves and working on some more organization!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Hanley and I just got back from a trip to Chicago with my mom and grandmother! It was a nice trip after ending such a busy semester in school!

My oldest brother lives there with his wife and 2 kids. They actually live in a suburb of Chicago, called Evanston. It's a very nice town with lots to see and do! My brother just graduated with his masters degree in (some type of) art from Northwestern University. My sister in law, just obtained her masters degree also (some type of education degree). We went to celebrate their accomplishments and my niece and nephew had a dance recital we had the chance to witness.

I was most worried about the drive, 6-7 hours, with Hanley in the car. Lately her thing is "hold you mommy" where she wants me to hold her at un-opportune times, ie: in a restaurant when she is supposed to be sitting in a highchair; or when we are driving around town running errands. I really just think it's a confinement issue at her age and wanting to run like a wild child!

Anyway, the van we rented for the trip had a DVD player which helped immensely and she never complained at any point during the long trip. I had snacks and drinks for her, as well as books, coloring books and other various activities for her. 

We visited the Baha'i Temple, 1 of only 7 in the entire WORLD. So intricate and beautiful. My niece and nephew were in a dance recital at the North Shore Center for Performing Arts with the Kaleidoscope Dance Studio. We also eat at tons of yummy places throughout the city, which is always a nice change then the typical chains!

It's always nice to see my brother and his family, I think Hanley had the best time. She is at such a great age where she loves being around other kids!

Friday, May 2, 2014

19 Month Update

Hanley is 19 months old. Growing so big, so fast. It's hard to remember her as a newborn sometimes.

Everyone says this about their children, I'm sure, but she is just so smart and her vocabulary is impressive. She repeats any word we say and is starting to string many words together! She's been saying things like:
Has it = if she wants something
Hold you momma = when she wants me to pick her up
Love you momma = melts my heart...
And lately if I tell her something, or say something to her she will answer with "Otay" or "Otay momma!"

She is also so polite and has the best manners (usually, lol) if she hears someone sneeze or cough she will say "bless you" and she uses please and thank you in the right context often and I am always reminding her of those words if she gets demanding.

We are starting to show some tantrums, I try to ignore her or speak calmly to her and ask her what is wrong and try to discuss it with her but she is too young to discuss just yet, I think.

She is starting swim lessons tomorrow, and I am so excited for her! She is finally getting comfortable in the water and actually likes to be in the pool, because before she wouldn't want to stay in very long.

She has only gotten one more tooth since last month, 8 total, all front teeth.
Currently 24-25 pounds.
Wearing 18 months and 18-24 month clothing.
She is back sleeping with her pacifier for naps and bedtime. It doesn't really bother me for her to have it, as long as she gives it up after she wakes up, and she does willingly. So for now we are riding out the pacifier.
Sleep hasn't changed, she still sleeps great! Every once in a while, not even once a week I will have to go in her room and comfort her because she will wake up crying. I don't have to pick her up or anything, just make sure she has her pacifier and lay her back down and cover her up and walk out and she goes right back to sleep.