Monday, March 31, 2014
18 Month Update
We got her 18 month/spring/Easter pictures taken a couple days ago and they turned out so cute but I won't get them back for another week or so.
She picks up stuff so incredibly fast, sometimes I wonder where she even learns some of the things she does and says.
She is sitting steady at 25 pounds and still only has 7 teeth.
Her vocabulary is huge and still growing.
Her sleeping habits are exactly the same. The only difference is we are slowly phasing out her pacifier. She was only getting it during nap and bedtimes but for a week now, she hasn't had it at all, for either times. It's actually not affecting her sleeping, except maybe its taking her 5-10 extra minutes to fall asleep. But she just got sick yesterday and she was having a hard time sleeping so I caved and gave it to her so we both could get some much needed sleep. My goal is to have no more pacifier for nap and bedtime by 2 years old so we still have a little bit of time.
She is fitting into only a small pile of 12 month clothing anymore, we have moved onto mostly 18 month and some 18-24.
She is such a little lady, it's hard to imagine my life prior to having her in it. I'm so grateful I get to spend each and every day with her for the past 18 months.
Last year at this time, when she was only 6 months, I decided I wanted to start a little family tradition with her and celebrate her HALF birthday! Nothing fancy, no big party, just a little cake and a lot of love. I plan to keep this tradition alive for a long time.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
17 Month Update
Weighs 25lbs (80%) but finally up to the 50th percentile for her height.
Still only 7 teeth and I'm starting to wonder if she will ever get any more.
Obsessed with washing her hands and playing in the water, I can't wait to get her a water table when it gets warmer!
Loves to take a shower with me and finally will sit in the bathtub. I couldn't figure out why she would never sit in the tub, she would either stand or squat down. My mom suggested not so much water and what do ya know...she now sits lol mother of the year here folks!
Says any word you ask her to repeat it its not one she typically says on a daily basis. Starting to say two or more words at once. Actually she started calling us "mom" and "dad" instead of any other variation. She is great with saying please and thank you and typically does the sign for them simultaneously.
She's been sitting for longer stretches of time with me to read longer, more wordy books.
Loves brushing her teeth and sitting on the potty.
Absolutely obsessed with drinking out of normal cups but isn't quite there yet in terms of not spilling it all over the floor or herself. She's good if I only put one sip in the cup at a time but I end up standing by the sink forever in that case!
No change in her sleeping habits. Bedtime is between 8&9pm and she wakes up around 8am every morning.
Nap time is midday and lasts around 3 hours! She is still nursing, only at bedtime.
She is right on track with clothing, each day we are tossing more and more 12 month clothing into the bin that doesn't fit her anymore and she is wearing mostly 18 months.